Veda Saptaha Yagnam held at Thiruvananthapuram
10 to 16 June 2012
Veda Saptaham

With the Blessings of Their Holinesses Pujyasri Shankaracharya Swamijis of Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, Veda Saptaha Yagnam was performed from Sunday - 10 June 2012 to Saturday, 16th June 2012 at Sri Sankara Paduka Mandapam, Karamanai, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The Saptaham was performed by Mahamahopadhyaya Brahmashri Mullaivasal Krishnamurthy Sastrigal, Former Principal, Sanskrit College, Chennai. The Saptaha Yagnam consisting of Chaturveda Parayanam, Vidwat Sadas an Vedic discourses saw the participation of Eminent Scholars from all over South India. Rig Veda Pandits from Thirunavaya and Thiruchur Yogam participated in the Vedic Recitation. Rig vedic chanting was done in the Pada, Jata, Krama, Ghana, and Rasa modes of recitation. Another special feature of the Saptaham was the demonstration of Anyonyam by the Namboodri Vedic Pandits. Anyonyam is a method of examining the command over Rig Vedic recitation. The assembled will branch into sides and sit facing each other. Using pebble stones, the chapter, sub chapter and hymn number and the word is picked at random. One from the oppopsing side should start reciting the hymn without any mistake. Then the other side will challenge the opposing side similarly and this goes on for a number of hymns. (See article below for more details).

The discourses given by Shri Krishnamurthy Shastrigal highlighted the research work of great seers which are relevant to this day with significant scientific details which are embedded in the Vedas. . Posters giving details of the history fo Vedic Studies in ancient Kerala were on display for the benefit of the visitors.

Visitors reading the posters on History of Vedic Studies in Kerala:
Trivandrum Veda Saptaham

Veda Parayanam commences:
Trivandrum Veda Saptaham

Scholar explaining about Anyonyam
Trivandrum Veda Saptaham

Pebbles being chosen as part of Anyonyam:
Trivandrum Veda Saptaham

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